kemadruma Yoga Vedic astrology

April 15, 2024by 4shvn0

I was thinking for many months about writing this yoga or dosha, whatever you call it, because people feared this yoga lot. As per my experience, I will tell you very clear, any raj yoga or dosha is never accomplish alone . Every raj yoga or dosha needs some more planet help or combination to perform their complete action good or bad. Kemadruma yoga text will clear you up in my post.

Moon is most sensitive planet in astrology, so its afflictions are more painful. That’s why it’s alone without benefic aspect or a nearby planet. It feels weak, and the results are some bad yoga. But in rare cases it becomes very weak. A lot of other situations can help this planet recover.

Conditions: In many conditions, kemadruma yoga in the horoscope is not strong or cancels by itself.

If moon in good favorable sign

If the moon is in a favorable nakshatra, Moon pad matters a lot.

If the moon is strong degree wise in a particular sign

Aspected by Jupiter-Venus.

Moon strongly placed with the paksha-bal or full moon.

Moon in Venus sign.

Kemdrum yoga in astrology

I will start from our classical definition. Kemadruma yoga, as per its classical definition, arises when, at the time of birth, there are no planets on both sides of the Moon, i.e., in the 2nd and 12th houses from the house/sign occupied by the Moon. It is an inauspicious yoga. The person born with this yoga will be poor, dirty, sorrowful, doing unrighteous deeds, dependent, and struggling in life. The presence of the Sun in these houses makes no difference. This yoga also causes Rajabhanga yoga; it destroys the benefits of other raja/good yogas.

Cancellation of kemadruma yoga or kemadruma yoga cancellation

  1. I will tell you one fact that you will never find anywhere. If moon Ascendant is strong(Aspected by benefic and in good sign/nakshatra) and Saturn is placed in 2/12th house or other malefic planet, but Saturn is lord of auspicious house, then It will not give any bad results. If any bad results come, then until the age of 16 only.
  2. If there is a Moon in Kendra and strong in Navamsa (D-9) chart.
  3. Presence of planets in Angular-kendras from Moon.
  4. All good planets aspecting Moon.
  5. A Strong Moon in a kendra associated with or aspected by Benefic like Mercury, Jupiter or Venus.
  6. The Moon, occupying in the navmsha chart its exaltation sign or the house of very friendly planets, aspected by Jupiter.
  7. A Full moon occupies the Ascendant in conjunction with a benefic planet.
  8. Presence of planets specially Jupiter-Venus in kendras from the Ascendant. When this happens, the adverse kemdruma yield takes place to a highly benefic kemdruma yoga, which bestows all comforts on the native.
  9. If moon in Vargottam and strong in D-9 as well.
  10. If Moon-mars share the same house, will also cancel Kemadruma yoga .
  11. Very important cancellation of Kemadruma Yoga is Jupiter in kendra from Moon.
  12. Kemadrum yog gets cancelled if Jupiter or Venus sees the Moon or if Moon is present in Kendra (I, IV, VII, X houses) or Trikon sthaans (V, IX houses). This yoga works especially when Moon is present in VI, VIII or XII houses of the birth chart.

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