
Match-making Reports: Fees : 2500 INR or 60 $ for NRI (Telephonic Discussion)  PDF report: 4000 INR or 80 $ for NRI Married life Interpretation: 1500 or 50 $ (Telephonic Discussion)  Life time Marriage Report(Husband-Wife): 6000 or 150 $ (PDF report) Match-making In Astrology Match-making in astrology is one of the difficult tasks. Match finalized in heaven, we can guide here only...

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin

DIVORCE or BREAKUP IN ASTROLOGY After article of marriage many queries came for divorce such as divorce in astrology, astrology divorce indicators,  divorce in astrology charts, 8th house for marriage or divorce, signs of divorce in astrology, indicators of divorce in astrology, divorce in horoscope, divorce yog in horoscope, divorce and remarriage yog in horoscope, reasons for divorce...

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin

Most important decision of life, now I will discuss in brief. This is the topic I know my all friends are waiting for this. Most of common questions came to me such as marriage in astrology, astrological reasons for delay in marriage, causes of delay in marriage, marriage yoga in horoscope , reasons for late...

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin

Manglik Dosha or What is manglik in astrology In Indian vedic astrology Mangal Dosha or manglik dosha or kuja dosha astrology is an astrological combination that occurs if Mars (Mangal) is in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the lagna/ascendant chart or moon ascendant also. A person born in the presence of this condition is termed a manglik. How can i...

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin

Rahu and mercury is one of the important conjunctions which tell lot about individual and generally astrologers forget to calculate or give less weightage to this conjunction. Why this conjunction important, after Jupiter only benefic mercury is a planet which can control rahu excessiveness and know how to use rahu excess desire in positive way....

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin

One word for rahu mars conjunction vedic astrology, this is not easy to handle conjunction in 98 % cases (rahu mars conjunction in lagna is very bad). Peoples founds so much energy but not getting appropriate results. Energy wasted in aggressiveness, gangster line etc or Energy wasted in nonsense tasks only. They don’t know how...

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin

Moon rahu conjunction vedic astrology called as “Grahan Yoga”. This yoga consider very bad in astrology but in sometimes this yoga give huge fan following like Mahatama Gandhi, reason behind is in astrology any planet among 9 can make you king of world or any conjunction also. No conjunction is completely bad or good, as...

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin

Rahu is strongest planet of opposition (against or vidrohi) and sun is king of his kingdom, Rahu is strongest opposition leader which only want opposition anyhow without logic, without goal just for his own goal. Don’t take here example of rahu as Rahul Gandhi or kejriwal. I am not telling this, only you guys are thinking like that....

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin

Rahu mahadasha duration for 18 years or rahu mahadasha time for 18 years. Rahu Mahadasha in Vedic astrology is most unpredictable (rahu mahadasha predictions) or not easy to analyse dasha in astrology. Untrained astrologer even some time trained astrologer also fail to analyse this dasha because of Rahu nature and behaviour. Rahu is virtual planet...

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin

This is one of most discussed and frequently asked conjunction now days. So, I decided to reveal the facts of this yoga or dosh. In astrology this conjunction known as “Shrapit dosh”. Firstly try to understand these two planet known as most important in kaliyug and when they will meet then obviously large things will happen...

May 17, 2024AstroNewsby admin


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